Join us in Sunday Worship


We’d love to meet you! Please join us for Sunday school classes for all ages at 8:30am followed by 30 minutes of fellowship and our worship service at 10:00am. The worship service includes singing and Bible-centered teaching.


For the fall and spring, our pastors and elders are leading us verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark, during our 10:00am Worship Service, examining the life and ministry of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Join us at 8:30am beginning January 5, 2025, as our Elders will lead us through a 12-week Sunday School series based on the book Peacemaking for Families: A Biblical Guide to Managing Conflict in Your Home by Ken Sande.



You are welcome here!


Who We Are

Eastridge is a church with a high view of God, a high view of Scripture, and a genuine love for people! It is a place where the Bible is taught, learned, and lived for the purpose of exalting God, transforming lives, and evangelizing our community and the world, all to the glory of God!

Eastridge is family. We strive to love one another with Christlike love in order to support each other in our Christian walk and in the ups and downs of daily living.


Experience the difference a church family makes


Last Sunday’s Sermon


Sunday, March 16, 2025
Pastor Richard Lemmon
When Discipleship Comes with A Cost
Mark 6:14-29

When Jesus and His traveling followers had been working overtime proclaiming the gospel and attesting to the gospel’s validity with signs, one of Jesus’ most faithful servants in another place was paying the ultimate price for his allegiance to the One True God. The forerunner for the Messiah, John the Baptist was met with resentment and martyrdom for holding others accountable to biblical principles. He was faithful in his task. Though he met an early death on earth, he will have a great reward in heaven.






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Upcoming Events


To find out more about what's going on at Eastridge, check out our calendar.