Valuable Resources for Christian Living
The books included as recommended reading have been selected by our pastors as valuable resources for all areas of Christian life. From family matters to theology to biblical counseling, there are resources available to inform and encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
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- Albert Mohler
- Alex & Brett Harris
- Alexander Strauch
- Andreas Kostenberger
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- Bob Kellemen
- Brad Bigney
- Bruce Ware
- Bruce Demarest
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- Jason Lisle
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- Ken Sande
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- Kevin DeYoung
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- Mark Dever
- Mark Vroegop
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- Mary A. Kassian
- Maurice Roberts
- Michael Reeves
- Michael J. Vlach
- Mike Cosper
- Milton Vincent
- Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
- P.B. Power
- Paul Tripp
- Pearce Carey
- R. Somerville
- R. Kent Hughes
- Randy Stinson
- Richard Philips
- Rick Horne
- Robert Saucy
- Robert Jones
- Robert M. Bowman
- Roy Zuck
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
- Stephen Wellum
- Stephen Charnock
- Steve Lawson
- Steve Jeffery
- Stuart Scott
- Stuart & Zondra Scott
- Tedd Tripp
- Tedd and Margy Tripp
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
- Tim Challies
- Timothy and Kathy Keller
- Tony Reinke
- W. Robert Godfrey
- Wayne Mack
- Will Metzger
- William VanDoodewaard