Parting Words From the Heart of a Shepherd (Philippians 4:21-23)
/Paul's final and parting words to the Philippians are so helpful for us as Christians, as we strive, by God's Grace, to walk in a manner worthy of Christ.
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Paul's final and parting words to the Philippians are so helpful for us as Christians, as we strive, by God's Grace, to walk in a manner worthy of Christ.
How glorious that as Christians we can sincerely experience joy and contentment in the Christian life, that we might Exalt Christ, and be a source of blessing to our Christian brethren.
It's impossible for Christians to experience true peace, personally and communally, unless right thinking and healthy relationships are being cultivated, by God's grace and for His glory.
In a broken and fallen world, it's important for Christians to fix their eyes on Christ and on heavenly realities in order to not lose heart.
The Christian must, by God's Grace, be cultivating Christlike virtues that will lead to peaceful living in the home, in the church, and in the world.
In the light of our indestructible and unbreakable union in Christ, Christians are to do everything possible to preserve the unity that has been established by our precious King.
Christians who desire to stand firm in the Gospel must apply themselves to cultivating the mindset and lifestyle of those who belong to a Heavenly Kingdom.
In the triumphal entry of our Lord, we behold both majesty and meekness, that we may worship Him and ascribe to Him the praise that is due His Name.
Standing Firm in the Gospel consists not only in putting off our former manner of life, but also in pursuing Christ and Christlikeness with all of our being.
Mark presents for us the answer to the true problem of sin - he presents to us Jesus Christ, who forgives sins.
In stark contrast to our dark former life, as Christians we now have immeasurable blessings because of our union with Christ.
Christians who stand firm in the Gospel shun self-reliance, and strive to locate their sufficiency in Christ alone, not only at their conversion, but also in their ongoing sanctification.
As Christians living in an evil world, we must always be on guard, striving to protect the Truth from those who seek to steal our joy and distort the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As partners in the Gospel, God calls on us to be faithful agents of encouragement toward one another, as we joyfully give our lives in the service of His people.While our Gospel partnership comes with many necessary challenges, it should comfort us that we are not alone, especially when it comes to our trials and troubles.
As partners in the Gospel, God calls on us to be faithful agents of encouragement toward one another, as we joyfully give our lives in the service of His people.
As partners in the Gospel, Christians now have the privilege of joyfully laying down their lives for others out of a sincere love for God and His people.
Our diligent and relentless pursuit of personal holiness is beneficial for personal growth, and also inevitably leads to preserving the Gospel unity that Christ died to establish.
If we're going to preserve Gospel unity in the church, we should strive to daily contemplate not only Christ's humiliation at His Incarnation, but also His glorious exaltation to the right hand of the Father.
Our ongoing, heartfelt, gazing upon the glory Christ in His Incarnation, is a sure antidote against the deadly sin of pride, and what propels us to a life of greater humility and loving service toward others, following the supreme example of our Lord.
Our experience of God's lavish Grace humbles us as believers, so that we are able, then, to adopt a selfless and considerate approach in our inter-personal relationships, for God's Glory and the Good of our brethren.
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