EBC Distinctives: A Worship-Motivated Church (Selected Scriptures)

In the light of God's wondrous salvation in and through His Beloved Son, we now have the joy and duty, by God's Grace, of Worshipping Him out of a heart of love and gratitude for all He's done, not only personally but also as a community of faith.

EBC Distinctives: A Love-Expressing Church (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10)

As those who have been the privileged recipients of God's unfathomable love in Christ, Christians, of all people, are empowered by the Spirit of God to love God and love one another, from the heart, and for God's Glory.

EBC Distinctives: A Christ-Exalting Church (Psalm 110)

Contrary to the current culture of self-promotion and self-exaltation, we seek the Exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we herald the life-saving message of the Gospel, humanity's one and only hope for salvation from sin and from God's just judgment.

EBC Distinctives: A Bible-Centered Church (Selected Scriptures)

Contrary to the current culture of moral relativism and moral autonomy, we believe that the Bible is the very Word of the only One and True God, authoritative, inerrant, infallible, and sufficient for all matters pertaining to man’s purpose for existence, church life, and mission on earth.

The Blessing and Benefit of Local Church Membership (Selected Scriptures)

In an age where commitment is largely frowned upon, and where comfort, ease, and low expectations are the norm, the Lord Jesus, who died for His Church, calls us as Christians to be highly committed participants rather than passive spectators in a healthy, local church.

Saved to Serve (1 Peter 4:10-11)

As Kingdom-Minded Christians who've been rescued from the domain of darkness, we are called to live in the light of the King's return by serving one another, using our God-given, spiritual gifting for the glory of Christ and the benefit of others.